While your child is growing in their faith, you can too!
Learn with others in the same season of life, how the Bible applies to what you do every day.
Join other PSR parents for Bible study!
Starting September 20
Every PSR Tuesday from 6:00-7:00 pm
St. Alban Roe Mary's Room
Drop your kids off in the car line then park by Mikesch Hall

Contact Lori Drury for more info!

What is BBT?
Learning together, from the Bible, how it applies to the work you do every day.
After you drop your kids at PSR, park by the pavilion/rectory, and join us in the Rectory Council Room.
No previous knowledge or experience is required and NO homework!
Rich discussion with others who are in the same season of life!
All study materials are accessible on your preferred electronic device.
If you can't make it every week, don't worry - you'll receive a recap with prayer requests and a summary.
Attend anytime and as often as you like. Younger children are welcome to join you.
More about BBT
Unique BBT 1-2-3TM
format for workplace application
Technology simplifies small
group execution, and communication
Equip and empower
God’s people for
Biblical leadership
Time, talent and
treasure expanding
God’s Kingdom globally
BBT's web-based and mobile app platform distributes the Bible study curriculum, meeting details, and private group communications.
Reduces administrative time
Delivers consistent curriculum format
Enhances fellowship, encouragement, and accountability
Manages group dynamics & meeting details
Sends prayer requests & meeting recaps
Private meeting rooms & messaging
BBT 1-2-3™ Curriculum
BBT curriculum (a.k.a., the “BBT 1-2-3™“) is designed for busy, working people in a unique 1-2-3 format: 1-Agenda, 2-Group Leader Guide (GLG) and 3-Recap. The Agenda gives an illustration and scripture based questions for applying Biblical principles at work. The GLG helps anyone facilitate the discussion (with less than 1 hour of prep per week). The Recap is a summary, designed to encourage community and accountablity between meetings. New volumes are added regularly and are adapted from theologically sound sources from a variey of Christian backgrounds.
For More Information