Leadership for Life

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17


Much of the New Testament is coaching. The Epistles are the letters of Paul and other Apostles providing encouragement, correction, and support from afar to local leaders. At Biblical Business Training, skilled coaches stand ready to help and support Bible study leaders. Coaches don’t lead the group. They don’t tell leaders what to do. They come alongside leaders with expertise and information on group metrics to help lead and encourage others to apply Biblical principles at work.


Leadership Coach

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Leadership Flywheel

At the heart of BBT is the Leadership Flywheel. The foundational model lies at the core of coaching and describes how Christian leaders can exponentially expand the kingdom through empowering other leaders.

Leadership Flywheel 
is expressed as the equation:

L1=Learning, L2=Living, L3=Leading, L4=Legacy

Learning plus Living raised to the power of Christ-centered Leadership, results in a Legacy of Leadership for the Lord.